Due to the difference between the interfaces of Cisco’s CatOS and IOS, one needs to perform different commands to create a trunk.
Cisco CatOS Configuration
- Go to Enable mode
cswitch> enable
- Create Trunk
- cswitch> set trunk {port to trunk on} on dot1q {vlans to allow}
set trunk 6/5 on dot1q 2-3,10,20,30,69,96,99
- This example sets port 6/5 to the 802.1q standard, and only allows VLANs 2-3,10,20,30,69,96, and 99 to go across it.
Cisco IOS Configuration
- Go to Enable mode
iosswitch> enable
- Go to Config Mode
iosswitch> config terminal
- Go to Interface of the Trunk (i.e. GigabitEthernet 0/1)
iosswitch> interface GigabitEthernet0/1
- Create the trunk on the interface
iosswitch> switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
iosswitch> switchport mode trunk
- Save the configuration
iosswitch> end
iosswitch> write mem